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I am a statistician. And I have just recently completed a 12-weeks intensive Data Science training program to become a data scientist. I survived this very challenging journey and learned so much about what data science is and what data scientists do.

This site is all about what I have learned and what I'll be learning in data science in the years to come. On the journey I learned and created a GitHub page to share my experience.

What is there to share? Not so much even as a statistician. Data science? No way. I hesitated and I'm not a outspoken person, either.

Then one day I realized that I do have something that is worthy of sharing - bringing a statistician's perspective into data science practice. So, here I am.

I'll use this page to discuss different approaches taken by both statisticians and data scientists in various situations. While debate of which is a better programming language, R or Python, there is no debate for me. I love both and will continue to learn and do projects using both languages.



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